

Miller, L.M., N.R. Peterson, J.E. Blankenheim, K.A. Reeves, C.A. Goldsworthy. 2020. Introgression of hatchery rainbow trout in naturalized steelhead populations of western Lake Superior. J. Great Lakes Res. 46: 356-365.


Miller, L.M., D.J. Dieterman and R.J.H. Hoxmeier. 2019. Reproductive dynamics of a native brook trout population following removal of non-native brown trout from a stream in Minnesota, north-central USA. Hydrobiologia


Dauphinais, J.D., L.M. Miller, R.G. Swanson and P.W. Sorensen. 2018. Source–sink dynamics explain the distribution and persistence of an invasive population of common carp across a model Midwestern watershed. Biological Invasions.

Jacobson, P.C., S.K. Emms, et al and L.M. Miller. 2018. Retention of morphological and ecological traits of Lake Superior cisco Coregonus artedi after translocation into inland lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 44:289-298.


Turnquist, K.N., W.A. Larson, J.M. Farrell, P.A. Hanchin, K.L. Kapuscinski, L.M. Miller, K.T. Scribner, C.C. Wilson, and B.L. Sloss. 2017. Genetic structure of muskellunge in the Great Lakes region and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of wild populations. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 43:1141–1152.

Miller, L. M. J. M. Farrell, K. L. Kapuscinski, K. T. Scribner, B. L. Sloss, K. N. Turnquist, and C. C. Wilson. 2017. A Review of Muskellunge population genetics: implications for management and future research needs. Pages xxx–xxx in K. L. Kapuscinski, D. P. Crane, S. J. Kerr, T. D. Simonson, J. S. Diana, and J. M. Far­rell, editors. Muskellunge management: 50 years of cooperation among anglers, sci­entists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethes­da, Maryland.

Miller, L. M. 2017. Paternity analysis of pooled-milt spawning practices for a Mus­kellunge broodstock. Pages xxx–xxx in K. L. Kapuscinski, D. P. Crane, S. J. Kerr, T. D. Simonson, J. S. Diana, and J. M. Far­rell, editors. Muskellunge management: 50 years of cooperation among anglers, sci­entists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethes­da, Maryland.

Carlson, A. J., O. C. Baird, and L. M. Miller. 2017. Assessment of a riverine Muskel­lunge population in Minnesota. Pages xxx–xxx in K. L. Kapuscinski, D. P. Crane, S. J. Kerr, T. D. Simonson, J. S. Diana, and J. M. Farrell, editors. Muskellunge man­agement: 50 years of cooperation among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethesda, Maryland.

Ward, M. C., L. M. Miller, D. W. Schultz, and C. A. Pederson. 2017. Muskellunge stock assessment in two north-central Minnesota lakes aided by angler participation. Pages xxx–xxx in K. L. Kapuscinski, D. P. Crane, S. J. Kerr, T. D. Simonson, J. S. Diana, and J. M. Farrell, editors. Muskellunge man­agement: 50 years of cooperation among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethesda, Maryland.


Miller, L.M., D. R. Schreiner, J. E. Blankenheim, M. C. Ward, H. R. Quinlan, and S. Moore. 2016. Effects of restrictive harvest regulations on rehabilitation of coaster brook trout in Minnesota’s portion of Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42:883-892.

Logdson, D.E., C.S. Anderson and L.M. Miller. 2016. Contribution and performance of stocked walleyes in the recovery of the Red Lakes, Minnesota, fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:828-843.

Eichmiller, J.J, L.M. Miller and P.W. Sorensen. 2016. Optimizing techniques to capture and extract environmental DNA for detection and quantification of fish. Molecular Ecology Resources 16(1):56-68.


Hoxmeier, R.J.H., D.J. Dieterman and L.M. Miller. 2015. Brook Trout distribution, genetics, and population characteristics in the Driftless Area of Minnesota. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:632-648.

Miller, L.M., M.C. Ward and D.W. Schultz.2015. Using Genetic Markers as Individual Tags: a Case Study of a Mark–Recapture Estimate of Adult Muskellunge Population Size. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:210-215.

Crane, D.P., L. M. Miller, J.S. Diana, J.M. Casselman, J.M. Farrell, K.L. Kapuscinski and J.K. Nohner. 2015. Muskellunge and Northern Pike Ecology and Management: Important Issues and Research Needs, Fisheries, 40(6) 258-267.

Eichmiller, J.J, L.M. Miller and P.W. Sorensen. 2015. Optimizing techniques to capture and extract environmental DNA for detection and quantification of fish. Molecular Ecology Resources doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12421.


Miller, L.M., M.C. Ward and D.R. Schreiner. 2014. Reduced reproductive success of hatchery fish from a supplementation program for naturalized steelhead in a Minnesota tributary to Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:994-1001.


Miller, L.M., S.W. Mero and J.A. Younk. 2012. The impact of stocking on the current ancestry in 20 native and introduced muskellunge populations in Minnesota. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 141:1411-1423.


Miller, L.M., S.E. Bartell and H.L Schoenfuss. 2011. Assessing the effects of historical exposure to endocrine-active compounds on reproductive health and genetic diversity in walleye, a native apex predator, in a large riverine system. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol DOI 10.1007/s00244-011-9731-6.

Huff, D.D., L.M. Miller, C.J. Chizinski and B. Vondracek. 2011. Mixed-source reintroductions lead to outbreeding depression in second-generation descendents of a native North American fish. Molecular Ecology  DOI 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05271.x.


Pennington, K.M., A.R. Kapuscinski, M.S. Morton, A.M. Cooper and L.M. Miller. 2010. Full life-cycle assessment of gene flow consistent with fitness differences in transgenic and wild-type Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Environmental Biosafety Research 9:41-57.

Huff, D.D., L.M. Miller and B. Vondracek. 2010. Patterns of ancestry and genetic diversity in reintroduced populations of the slimy sculpin: Implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics. DOI 10.1007/s10592-010-0124-6.


Fujishin, L.M. F.K. Barker, D.D. Huff and L.M. Miller. 2009. Isolation of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci for slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Conservation Genetic Resources 1:429-432.

Logsdon, D.E., L.M. Miller and C.S. Anderson. 2009. Evaluation of long-term retention and detection of oxytetracycline marks in walleye otoliths using genetic methodology. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 139:872-887.

Miller, L.M., S.W. Mero and J.A. Younk. 2009. The genetic legacy of stocking muskellunge in a northern Minnesota lake. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 138:602–615.

Cooper, A. M., L.M. Miller, and A.R. Kapuscinski. 2009. Conservation of population structure and genetic diversity under captive breeding of remnant coaster brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations. Conservation Genetics DOI 10.1007/s10592-009-9841-0.


Wilson, C.C., W. Stott, L.M. Miller, S. D’Amelio, M. Jennings and A.M. Cooper. 2008. Conservation genetics of Lake Superior brook trout: issues, questions and directions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1307–1320.

Miller, L.M., M.C. McInerny and J. Roloff. 2008. Crappie hybridization in southern Minnesota lakes and its effects on growth estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1120–1131.

Caroffino, D.C., L.M. Miller, A.R. Kapuscinski and J. Ostazeski. 2008. Stocking success of local-origin fry and impact of hatchery ancestry: monitoring a new steelhead stocking program in a Minnesota tributary to Lake Superior. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:309-318.


Johnston, T.A., L.M. Miller, D.M. Whittle, S.B. Brown, M.D. Wiegand, A.R. Kapuscinski, and W.C. Leggett. 2005. Effects of maternally-transferred organochlorine contaminants on early life survival in a freshwater fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:2594-2602.

Linda Laikre, L., L.M. Miller, A. Palmé, S. Palm, A.R. Kapuscinski, G. Thoresson, and N. Ryman. 2005. Spatial genetic structure of northern pike (Esox lucius) in the Baltic Sea. Molecular Ecology 14:1955-1964.


Miller, L.M., T. Close and A.R. Kapuscinski. 2004. Lower fitness of hatchery and hybrid rainbow trout compared to naturalized populations in Lake Superior tributaries. Molecular Ecology 13:3779-3388.

Miller, L.M., A.R. Kapuscinski and W. Senanan. 2004. A biosafety approach to addressing risks posed by aquaculture escapees. In M.V.Gupta, D.M. Bartley, B.O. Acosta (eds.) Use of Genetically Improved and Alien Species for Aquaculture and Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity in Africa. World Fish Center Conference Proceedings 68.

Senanan W., A.R. Kapuscinski, U. Na-Nakorn and L.M. Miller. 2004. Genetic impacts of hybrid catfish (Clarius macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) farming on native populations in central Thailand. Aquaculture 235:167-184.


Miller, L.M. 2003. Microsatellite DNA loci reveal genetic structure of yellow perch in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:503-513.

Miller, L.M. and W. Senanan. 2003. A review of northern pike population genetics research and its implications for management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:297-306.

Miller, L.M., and A.R. Kapuscinski. 2003. Genetic guidelines for hatchery supplementation programs. Pages 329-355 in E.M. Hallerman, ed Population Genetics: Principles and Practices for Fisheries Scientists. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.


Ardren, W.R., L.M. Miller, J.A. Kime, and M.A. Kvitrud. 2002. Microsatellites for fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Molecular Ecology Notes 2:226-227.

Eldridge, W. H., M.D. Bacigalupi, I.R. Adelman, L.M. Miller, and A. R. Kapuscinski. 2002. Determination of relative survival of two stocked walleye populations and resident natural-origin fish by microsatellite DNA parentage assignment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:282-290.


Miller, L.M., L. Kallemeyn, and W. Senanan. 2001. Spawning site and natal site fidelity by northern pike in a large lake: mark-recapture and genetic evidence. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:307-316.

Ardren, W.R., S. Borer, F. Thrower, J.E. Joyce and A.R. Kapuscinski. 1999. Inheritance of 12 microsatellite loci inOncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Heredity 90:529-536.


Senanan, W. and A.R. Kapuscinski. 2000. Genetic relationships among populations of northern pike (Esox lucius). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:391-404.

Miller, L.M. 2000. Classifying genealogical origins in hybrid populations using dominant markers. J. Heredity 91:46-49.


Borer, S, L.M. Miller, and A.R. Kapuscinski. 1999. Microsatellites in walleyeStizostedion vitreum. Molecular Ecology 8:36-37.

Miller, L.M., and A.R. Kapuscinski. Genetic guidelines for hatchery supplementation programs In: E. Hallerman, editor. Population genetics: Principles and practices for fisheries scientists. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.


Rivers, P.J. and W. R. Ardren. 1998. The value of archives. Fisheries (Bethesda) 23(5): 6-9.


Gross, M. and A. R. Kapuscinski. 1997. Reproductive success of smallmouth bass estimated and evaluated from family-specific DNA fingerprints. Ecology 78(5): 1424-1430.

Miller, L.M. and A.R. Kapuscinski. 1997. Historical analysis of genetic variation reveals low effective population size in a northern pike (Esox lucius) population. Genetics 147:1249-1258.


Kapuscinski, A.R., M. Hove, W. Senanan, and L.M. Miller. 1996. Selective breeding of walleye: building block for closed system aquaculture, pages 331-338. In R.C.Summerfelt [ed.] Walleye Culture Manual. NCRAC Culture Series 101. North Central Region Aquaculture Center Publications Office, Ames, IA.


Gross, M. L., A. R. Kapuscinski and A. J. Faras. 1994. Nest-specific DNA fingerprints of smallmouth bass in Lake Opeongo, Ontario. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123: 449-459.